Submit your query online

for all non-urgent medical or admin requests

To submit a request via Accurx, click the icon below:


Introducing Accurx Patient Triage

In order to request a GP appointment, we are asking all patients, where possible, to submit an online request form.

It is a quick and convenient way of contacting the practice without having to wait in a telephone queue to speak to a PSA (Patient Services Assistant). You will receive a response within two working days.

Patient Triage is available Monday to Friday between 8.30am – 1.00pm & 2.00pm – 16.30pm.

On some occasions this may close early due to staff sickness, technical issues, staff training etc.

Alternatively, you can telephone us on 01823 285400. Our PSA team will also be using this new system to submit a request on your behalf.

How it works:

From Monday 13th May 2024 whenever you contact the practice you will be asked a set of simple questions to help establish the nature of the query/request.

All requests will be reviewed by the GP triage team and signposted to the most appropriate person or resource. This may be an appointment with any one of our clinical staff.

All patient requests will be actioned within two working days.

Getting in touch with the practice via the NHS App:

Did you know you can now submit a medical query or admin request through the NHS App.

This useful article run through how you can do this: Patient Triage NHS App Patient Guide